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Reckoner Titan


Born from the necessity to preemptively strike against looming threats, Reckoner Titans were not merely born but forged. Their inception was a response to the relentless dangers that plagued the borderlands of civilization. These warriors, once aimless souls seeking purpose, were transformed through rigorous and unforgiving training into living weapons, their resilience and might becoming their most formidable assets.


The genesis of the Reckoner Titans traces back to the borderland's specialized military orders. These orders, weary of constant reactive measures against threats, began a ruthless program to condition their most formidable soldiers. The goal was clear: to unleash the full physical potential and killer instinct of these individuals. The success of these Titans was undeniable as they cleared monster-infested wilderness, paving the way for settlement and civilization. However, the toll of endless conflict led some to abandon their posts, becoming mercenaries whose legendary prowess was both feared and revered.


While some Reckoner Titans are solitary by nature, many form strategic alliances with military outposts, tracker lodges, and shaman circles. These bonds provide them with crucial intelligence on emerging threats and a network for resupplying and trading their prized trophies. In their rare moments of respite, they are known to aid archeologists in recovering lost artifacts, their strength and protection invaluable in the perilous depths of dungeons.

Role in Alavir:

Reckoner Titans are the vanguard against darkness, their role pivotal in the safety and expansion of Alavir's frontiers. They are the first line of defense, neutralizing threats before they can fester and endanger settlements. Their proactive stance and unmatched combat prowess have led many kingdoms to secretly fund their operations, using these Titans as instruments to weaken foes they dare not confront openly. Whispers speak of the mightiest among them, bound and kept in the depths of dwarven mines, a testament to their power and the fear it invokes even among the gods.

Reckoner Titan

Level 1

Reckless Charge

At 1st level, You can choose to lower your armor for a turn to increase your attack power significantly. You can choose to decrease your armor, for each armor you give up increase your weapon damage by 1.

When you cast a non On Hit spell, you can make an Intimidation skill check (once per round).

Level 3

Brutal Strikes

At 3rd level, Your critical roll for skills and attacks is reduced by 1. In addition, your critical strikes deal additional weapon die.

Level 6


At 6th level, On your turn, you can go into a chaotic frenzy completely disregarding safety. You have advantage on attack rolls, but all attack rolls have advantage on you. In addition, while you are below 50% life your melee weapon attacks deal an additional 3 + (PM) which doubles on crit.

Level 8

Armor Shatter

At 8th level, your weapon attacks reduce your target's armor by 1. Your critical strikes reduce your target's armor by 2.

Level 11

Ruthless Precision

At 11th level, Each attack roll you hit increases your attack rolls by 1 until the end of combat.

Level 13

Death's Dance

At 13th level, Once per round, When you are reduced to 0 hit points, but are not killed outright you are instead reduced to 1 hit point and avoid taking a level exhaustion. In addition, after being dropped in this way your attacks deal additional 3 + (PM) damage until the end of your turn.

Level 16

Lethal Tempo

At 16th level, When you crit on an attack roll, you can make one extra weapon attack.

Level 18


At 18th level, Your attacks ignore all resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage.

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