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Psionic Bard


Psionic Bards are a rare breed of musicians who possess the extraordinary ability to manipulate mental energies and the fabric of reality itself. Unlike traditional bards, their talents extend beyond mere musical prowess; they are born with an innate affinity for psionics. This form of magic, often misunderstood and shrouded in mystery, allows them to alter the outcomes of events and even the very fabric of fate.


The origins of Psionic Bards can be traced back to ancient orders that sought to blend the emotional resonance of music with the raw power of the mind. Over time, these bards have honed their skills to create potent luck-enhancing energies, channeled through their Bardic Inspiration. They can turn the tide of battle, make an ally's attack strike true, or even deflect deadly blows. With enough mastery, they can manipulate fate itself, making success and victory almost a certainty.


Psionic Bards often find themselves in a precarious position in society. While their abilities are incredibly potent, they are frequently misunderstood and even feared. This leads to complex relationships with both those who seek to harness their power and those who wish to suppress it. Their most significant bond, however, is with the pursuit of knowledge and mastery over their unique form of magic.

Role in Alavir

In the diverse world of Alavir, Psionic Bards serve as powerful allies in any endeavor. Their abilities make them invaluable in situations that require a blend of combat prowess and magical versatility. Whether it's using telepathy to uncover secrets, employing shadow blades in combat, or levitating to reach otherwise inaccessible places, their skills are a boon to any who understand and appreciate their true potential.

Thought-Provoking Questions

  1. The Ethics of Mind Manipulation: How do Psionic Bards navigate the moral implications of altering someone's thoughts or fate?
  2. Balance of Power: What checks and balances exist to prevent Psionic Bards from becoming too powerful or abusing their abilities?
  3. Integration into Society: How do Psionic Bards fit into the various cultures and communities of Alavir, especially given the general mistrust of their abilities?

Psionic Bard Features

Level 1


At 1st level, you can telepathically speak to any creature you can see within 120 feet of you. You don't need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language.

In addition, you ignore verbal components on spells. In addition, when you cast a spell, you can make a Performance skill check (once per round).

Level 3

Mind Shielding

At 3rd level, you have Greater Resistance to psychic damage and advantage on intelligence, wisdom, and charisma saving throws.

When you succeed on a saving throw you regain one spell point.

Level 7

Psionic Empowerment

At 7th level, you can add psychic damage equal to your bard level to any weapon, spell, or feature damage roll.

Level 11

Mental Fortress

At 11th level, grant allies within 60 feet of you advantage on intelligence, wisdom, and charisma saving throws.

In addition, heal all allies for your an amount equal to your spellcasting modifier every time they succeed on a saving throw.

Level 15


At 15th level, on your turn, you can levitate at will.

Levitate: You rise vertically, up to 30 feet. You can also choose up to 3 creatures of your choice to levitate.

As an action, you can move all levitated allies up to 120 feet.

Standard Gear

Optional Starting Equipment

Standard Starting Class Equipment

2 health potions.

A backpack with 10 rations, tent & bedroll, cooking utensils, mess kit, tinderbox, 3 torches, roper and a waterskin.

Bracers of the Enlightened: (Accessory) Your spells deal additional psychic damage equal to your proficiency modifier.

Caster weapon of your choice.

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